miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

WeightSummit.com - Band-Aid Solutions for a Fast Food Culture

WeightSummit.com - Band-Aid Solutions for a Fast Food Culture

To further complicate the problem, the multi-billion dollar commercial weight loss industry offers us fad diets, Band-Aid solutions and questionable (and expensive!) pharmaceuticals that only mask the symptoms of our weight gain while ignoring the root causes of our addiction to unhealthy food.

Because these fad diets and “magic pills” never address the root of the problem, the bad eating habits inevitably return along with the extra weight.

It’s almost as if the deck seems to be stacked against us…

Everywhere we turn unhealthy processed, fast foods are made readily available while delicious healthy meals are few and far between.

In our convenience based, fast food culture, it’s no wonder that so many people are overweight, stressed out and unhealthy.

But the real question is how can we turn this around, and reclaim our natural state of health & well being once and for all?

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