miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

WeightSummit.com - Discovering Natural, Healthier Alternatives to Lose Weight

WeightSummit.com - Discovering Natural, Healthier Alternatives to Lose Weight

The truth is that I’ve struggled with my weight since I was 7 years old.

So, from a very young age I began to question why was I “heavier” than my sisters, we ate the same food and lived the same basic life but for some reason my body was different.

In fact, I remember opening my journal one night to write and I stopped, with my pen poised in mid-air, and just broke down in a wave of grief, as I realized that I couldn’t mask the emotional pain that I was feeling anymore.

I remember at that moment, I made a vow to myself that someday, somehow I would learn how my body really worked, and reach my ideal weight.

After more than a decade of listening to supposed weight loss experts and trying different conventional approaches (following the food guide, counting calories, skipping meals, running, etc) I finally came across holistic nutrition and other natural weight loss modalities.

That’s when everything began to shift and and my weight literally began to dissolve… and I mean dissolve!

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